Ransomware Attack on 150+ countries | Be Safe

Recently whole world except Africa & some other small countries is suffering from a cyber attack.


It is a ransomeware attack ( i.e  user will be asked for money to operate his/her data ). In this attack a virus is sent to the user's computer in the form of .exe file through e-mail attachments, unknown sources etc. This virus spies all the existing data in the computer and the computer is locked. Only A pop up window will appear on the screen and all other commands will be blocked.

In this window as you can see, hackers have demanded money ( i.e 300$ ) to get you access through your data. User is given a maximum of 3 days time to deposit money. Money is demanded in the form of bitcoin ( i.e cryptocurrency ). It is not sure that you will get permanent acess to your data after paying the amount. Money can be demanded in future too.


1.  Do not download any file or any application in your pc from an unknown source.

2.  Backup your data regularly in cloud storage. Sync your daily data and it will be done.

3.  Use of  antivirus software will protect your PC but there is software called Internet Security which will provide security to your web browser.

4.  Switch On your firewall.

5.  If your PC has remote sharing feature        than make sure to turn it off.

6.  Avoid Pendrives. In emergency, scan it      and switch the autoplay feature off.

Microsoft has rolled down updates to prevent the sysytem from this virus. But 75,000 computers have not got the update and the virus has attacked them.

Thanks for reading.
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