One plus recently launched its most awaited smartphone named One Plus 5. The device runs on snapdragon 835 and aderno 540 GPU. It comes with 6gb/8gb RAM and 64gb/128gb storage respectively. In India it will be the first device to offer the latest snapdragon 835 processor.
The design of the device seems to be copied from Apple's iPhone 7plus. The device comes with a 5.5" 1080p Amoled screen. The screen has Gorilla Glass protection.
As of now, One Plus 5 runs on Android 7.1 out of the box. It is backed up by a 3,300 mah battery and also supports fast charging.
One Plus 5 is launched in India at a price of 32,999/37,999 INR.
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The design of the device seems to be copied from Apple's iPhone 7plus. The device comes with a 5.5" 1080p Amoled screen. The screen has Gorilla Glass protection.
As of now, One Plus 5 runs on Android 7.1 out of the box. It is backed up by a 3,300 mah battery and also supports fast charging.
One Plus 5 is launched in India at a price of 32,999/37,999 INR.
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